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Body-Wise zine, Issue #2 --Body Image and Shame
April 24, 2015

Im thrilled to bring you my interview with Dr. Lucy Aphramor, RD. co-author of Body Respect.' You can listen to a 6-minute segment of our interview here. Hear how she discovered that weight stigma has a larger impact on our health than our weight

That reminds me that very often WE are our own harshest critics - we bully ourselves. Would you like to be married to the person you hear inside your head? Do any of these things I've read or been told this week remind you of your inner critic?

"Last night I broke down crying in the shower because I just couldn't handle how ugly I looked. I'm ashamed of my weight."

"My body is ruining my life; my husband is ashamed of my body, I'm fat and ugly even my children are ashamed of my body."

"I'm ashamed of my weight so I don't socialize, I should get liposuction."

And here is a 2-minute private vault strategy to help you put a stop (even if it's only temporary) to your inner critic. Each time we interrupt him/her we stop him/her going on a rampage and over time her voice will get weaker and weaker. This is important because of what happens to our biology when we allow our inner critic too much free reign. These small exercises may feel small (and they are) but they are also powerful.

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I also have a new Be Body Wise Facebook page Please let me know how I can help you, or what you'd like to see more of. I do read and answer my emails. When you let me know what I can do for you, you help spark my inner Creative that gets to work thinking about how i can provide you with the support and help you're looking for. so bring it on!

Warmly as ever Cari

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