Your book - mom pass the broccoli

by alta vogel
(stellenbosch, south africa)

My husband read it and we are natural medical practitioners and homeopaths seeing children on a regular basis and recommend your book to our moms but no one can find it anywhere! Who supplies them? Thanks Alta

From Cari: Hi Alta, sadly the publisher said it wasn't selling well enough so they took 'Mom, pass the Brocolli' out of print. Most people buy it in an form direct from my website. But I do have a small supply of them still in South Africa so I can mail them out to people who want a hard copy.

By the way, if you enjoyed 'Mom, pass the Broccoli' you'll love 'The Green Eating Guide': . It's such a fun way to transform childrens' eating

Kind regards Cari

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Mom, pass the broccoli

by Kristian Leisegang

Hi. I am a homeopath and natural medicine practioner in Stellenbosch. I recently read your book, as I have 2 little kiddies, and found it excellent. I wanted to stock some in my clinic and advise patients to read it as required. However, kalahari now do not stock it anymore (I got through them). All they tell me is that if it is not on the website, the suppliers do not have them. Can you help so I can get more?

Also, I wanted to know if you are based in the Cape region. I would like to have you as a special guest at regional meetings for homeopaths to discuss some of these topics.



Hi Kris, thank you for your kind comments about my book. Unfortunately I live in America otherwise I would love to have been a guest at your regional homeopaths meeting. How many copies are you looking for - I'll see if one of my suppliers in Cape Town still has stock. How many I still have.
Kind regards

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Mar 23, 2011
by: Kristian Leisegang


I would like maybe 5 books at least to keep on hand. Maybe we can converse via email?


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