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Feb 15, 2012
moving forward
by: truely blessed

Being mindful is a great idea. And yes, I think catching yourself in the downward spiral of negativity, is surely one of those baby steps. I also think it is necessary for us to stay positive and be, so kind to ourselves, because it will take some time to reprogram those old habits. Imagine it and it, will be. Yeh! for us, we can do it!!

Feb 10, 2012
Truly blessed too
by: Jenny Henrick

That is so very true.
I have taken a huge step backwards again - back to crash diets, back to weighing, back to getting freaked out about my weight.
I have taken a BIG breath and decided to take baby steps in the right direction again. Perhaps I did too many things too fast and, as you said, the old habits are always there, waiting to take over.
I dont 'think' enough and that is the problem.

Hi Jen.... s here's what i want to suggest to you.... don't think of what has happened as "taking a massive step backwards," that makes it sound like failure which it really isn't. What you have to remember is that you've been addicted to dieting for years - that doesn't just go away. So here's what I think about where you are... you just decided to take a detour, that's all. And so you toured back to crash/fad diets and hopefully you learned something from it, So the real question about any detour is - how did you find the detour? What did you find on that side trip that could be of valuable for you in your journey forwards? I remember when I started the Mind over Fatter journey, going back to dieting more than once and all those side trips proved to me was that once I'd started on Mind over Fatter I simply could not ever go back to dieting again. So in that way, those detours were incredibly valuable in the long term in cementing what I realized I just could not longer do to myself. So what did you get out of going back to crash diets

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